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What to Write in a Junk Journal?

A journal is mainly a record of the day to day life or the main events in a day. But when it comes to junk journaling, there are a lot of things that you can write in a junk journal. There are no restrictions, no limits, no rules. To know more about how and in what ways you can put text in a junk journal, you can click here.

Once you are ready, have a look at some of this list, use them as prompts, and your mind itself will start coming up with a lot of ideas of its own.

What to write in a junk journal

1. Poem

It can either be a poem you wrote, or the one you liked. Do remember to give credit to the poet if it's the latter. They deserve that much at least (even if no one is seeing your journal).

2. Happy Memory

Whatever came to your mind on reading this, is certainly a happy memory. Write that. If you are still thinking, then what about the time when you wished a moment/event/trip would not end, when nothing except the present mattered. You will find your happy memory there.

3. Favorite Quote

There are some lines that you can never forget. They may not necessarily by a famous person, but by a friend, a senior, or a stranger even.

4. Short Story

Admitted, writing a story is no joke. But think of yourself as the main character, go to your favorite place, do your favorite thing, make memories; and your story is ready.

5. Letter to Yourself

You can write to your future self, your younger self, your confused self, or simply a letter to yourself telling about life, just as you'd write to a friend. After all, you are your closest friend.

6. Closest Fantasy

What is that one thing you are always imaging? Just think it happened, for real. Write what it was and how are you feeling, now that it's a reality.

7. Weirdest Dream

Who knew dreams could be a source of a write-up. There are certain dreams/nightmares that stay in your head for longer than usual. Time to get them out on a paper.

8. Something that makes you smile

Don't go all grand here! Think of the simplest time you couldn't help smiling. Write why you smiled and why it mattered. Who knows, you might smile again thinking of it!

9. First-year at college

It can be weird, strange, or fun-filled. Whatever the experience was for you, it's time to go down the memory lane and relish the first year of college.

10. Favorite Person

There are people you can't imagine your life without. Write down your first memory with them, why you clicked, and what it means to have them with you.

Choose whatever idea clicks with you the best! Grab your pen, your craft supplies, and jot down what your heart likes.

Reminder: It's your journal. No one can judge you for what you make. All that matters is you pour your heart out, and feel good for doing that.

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